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Preventing insomnia.

Solutions for insomnia should be considered based on the severity of the symptoms. If you can’t sleep for no more than 1 week. Or if you only have symptoms during certain periods. That are affected by various factors, and you don’t have continuous, chronic symptoms. People who

Side effects and risks from consuming dietary supplements.

In addition to the therapeutic efficacy of treating patients in some cases. Taking dietary supplements may cause side effects that are harmful to your health. Or it may affect some medical treatment processes as well. Especially for those who are just starting to consume dietary supplements for the

Danger warning: not cleaning air conditioner for a long time

Danger warning: not cleaning air conditioner for a long time, fearing the risk of “pneumonia” Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health Reveals that the air conditioner has humidity. Both the air conditioner. And the air conditioner pipes that cause growth of germs It is recommended that the air

9 good benefits from “walnuts” for weight loss and cholesterol

9 good benefits from “walnuts” for weight loss and cholesterol Cholesterol is the main cause of many different illnesses, including obesity. Fat clogs arteries. high blood pressure Coronary artery disease and many others, therefore controlling cholesterol in the body Therefore helping to make the body strong. Free from dozens of illnesses