Though sausages are tasty, they aren’t the healthiest meat option. They’re a type of processed meat, which means that they’re preserved through curing, smoking, salting, drying, or other methods.
Numerous studies link processed meat intake to chronic conditions. Such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and bowel and stomach cancer สมัคร ufabet
For example, a review of 20 studies in over 1.2 million people associated processed. But not unprocessed — meat consumption with a 42% higher risk of heart disease.
However, these studies don’t show that processed meat causes these conditions. They only show an association between them.

Many factors may contribute to this link. Including food preservatives, excessive salting, and the harmful compounds that may form during cooking.
Furthermore, research demonstrates that people who eat processed meats regularly tend to have less healthy lifestyles.
That said, you can still enjoy sausages from time to time. Just be sure to avoid overcooking them to reduce the risk of HA, PAH, and AGE formation.
For a healthier twist, try eating sausages with vegetables to add fiber and micronutrients to your meal.
If possible, choose products that have a meat percentage of 85% or more on the label, as these contain less fat and fewer fillers .